
Mattias Severson

Mattias Severson is a senior software architect and engineer specialized in cloud based applications, scalable solutions, infrastructure as code and build automation. He has been working primarily with AWS and Node.js lately, but he has also deep experience of Java backend architecture in general and Spring Framework in particular.

Mattias has experience from many different environments, including everything between big international projects that last for years and solo, single day jobs. He is a clean code proponent who appreciates Test Driven Development and Agile methodologies. Mattias is open-minded and curious about new technologies. Consequently, he believes in continuous improvement on a personal level as well as in the projects that he is working on.

Mattias occasionally speaks at conferences and other public events, see the Talks page.

This Site

This site is created using open source software. It is based on Jekyll, customized with the Minimal Mistakes theme and hosted on GitHub Pages. The icons on the landing page are GitHub Octicons.

The source code of the site is available on GitHub and is free to use under the terms of the MIT Licence.